

Manitoba HIV Medication Program

On September 22, 2021 / News

Patients in this program may present to any Manitoba pharmacy. Please read the information on this program and share with your pharmacy team to ensure you are prepared should a patient from this program present to your pharmacy.

If you have a patient who presents at your pharmacy with a completed HIV PEP Prescription Form (and separate attached prescriptions for PEP, if applicable) and the prescriber has confirmed “Client eligible for coverage under Manitoba HIV Medication Program” on the form, the patient should not be charged any out-of-pocket costs. The documents below provide information regarding the program and the claims submission processes for pharmacies to follow:

Manitoba Health has requested that the documentation be completed and submitted accurately according to the instructions provided to ensure timely pharmacy reimbursement. If you have questions regarding form submission, please contact the DPIN Help Desk. Pharmacies are reminded that reimbursement does not include mark up.