

Pharmacist Manitoba Supporting New Year Resolutions To Quit Smoking

On January 1, 2023 / News

Pharmacists Manitoba is supporting people’s New Year resolutions to quit smoking.

“We are encouraging those who have set ‘quitting smoking’ as their new year’s resolution to take advantage of this initiative” says Tanjit Nagra, CEO of Pharmacists Manitoba.

Pharmacists Manitoba launched a social impact bond with the government in April called “Quit Smoking With Your Manitoba Pharmacist” and the goal is to help 4500 Manitobans become smoke-free by March 31, 2025.

“Quitting smoking is not an easy task, but we hope that with the help of a pharmacist and resources made available through this initiative, interested participants will feel motivated and supported every step of the way” says Nagra.

Through the program, participants can get a subsidy of up to 100 dollars towards products to help them quit.

“This would include nicotine patches, Nicorette gum, certain prescription medications,” said pharmacist, Ryan Chan.

There are 200 participating pharmacies across Manitoba, throughout all health regions and people can book an initial appointment online. 

“We find a treatment that’s tailored to you because you’re in control and we want to kind of get something that you’re comfortable with, with very minimal side effects as well,” Chan added.

Read full article here!