

medSask Minor Ailment and Self-Care Guidelines.
medSask is a non-profit organization that supports appropriate prescribing and medication safety by providing accurate, evidence-based information. medSask also supports pharmacist prescribing of minor ailments through their Minor Ailment and Self-Care Guidelines.
On December 1, 2021, Manitoba Health and Seniors Care announced an amendment to include Section 118(5) of the Pharmaceutical Regulation allowing pharmacists who have completed a Council-approved training and application process to prescribe to treat uncomplicated cystitis: 
118 (5) Subject to this Part, a member who has completed a training program approved by the council may prescribe a drug for use in the treatment of uncomplicated cystitis if the drug is specified for the treatment of uncomplicated cystitis in a product monograph authorized by Health Canada.  
The Uncomplicated Cystitis Independent Study Program for Manitoba Pharmacists developed by CPhM includes the medSask Cystitis: Acute, Uncomplicated Guidelines as required reading.
To ensure Pharmacists Manitoba members can get authorized to prescribe for uncomplicated cystitis without incurring costs, Pharmacists Manitoba is offering access to the medSask Minor Ailment and Self-Care Guidelines as a member benefit.
This member benefit goes beyond the required reading for Cystitis: Acute, Uncomplicated Guidelines and includes access to medSask’s other Minor Ailment and Self-Care Guidelines. These are valuable, evidence-based resources for many of the other self-limiting conditions Manitoba pharmacists are authorized to assess and prescribe for, including acne, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and more.
The medSask Minor Ailment and Self-Care Guidelines also include guidelines for assessing and prescribing for tobacco cessation, which is of particular relevance as pharmacists across the province ramp up preparations for the forthcoming social impact bond for smoking cessation.
To access the medSask member benefit, login to your Pharmacists Manitoba member profile and then click here to access the medSask username and password.