Session H

Session H

Incontinence - Leak the Proper Information to Regain Control!

Dr. Kelli Berzuk PT, Nova Physiotherapy, Incontinence & Pelvic Pain Clinic

Dr. Kelli Berzuk is a pelvic floor physiotherapist and founder of Nova Physiotherapy-Incontinence & Pelvic Pain Clinic in the Medical Arts Building. For close to 25 years she has focused her clinical practice to the specialty of pelvic floor muscle health and the treatment of bladder, bowel, and sexual dysfunction, pelvic pain and pelvic organ prolapse in men, women and children.

She received her post-graduate pelvic floor education through the American Physical Therapy Association, Certification in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation and Continence through the University of Melbourne, Australia, and a Master of Science Rehabilitation and PhD in Urogyne-Colorectal Medicine at the University of Manitoba.

Dr. Berzuk is the author and publisher of the self-help book, “I Laughed So Hard I Peed My Pants! A Woman’s Essential Guide for Improved Bladder Control.” She was nationally recognized within the first-ever graduating class of Canadian Physiotherapy Clinical Specialists for her work in Women’s Health Medicine.


Urinary and fecal incontinence can be devastating to those experiencing it as well as family and loved ones. While much can be done to prevent, improve and even resolve incontinence, research shows that people often suffer silently and needlessly since they are afraid to talk about their symptoms due to embarrassment and the fallacy that nothing can be done to help. Pharmacists have a unique opportunity to broach this sensitive topic, enlighten patients to ways they may help themselves and to medical treatment options available, thereby changing the trajectory of this dysfunction and quality of life. This presentation aims to raise awareness to the challenges people face when experiencing incontinence, the role of the pelvic floor muscle in bladder and bowel function and the importance of keeping this area healthy.