Pharmacy Services

Pharmacy Services

Your Health and Your Pharmacist

Administer a Drug by Injection*
There are approximately 500 pharmacists in Manitoba that have undergone specialized training to administer injections. These pharmacists are specially trained and easily accessible to administer injections such as immunizations for HPV, Travel, and the Flu.

Interpret Patient Administered Automated Test 
Your pharmacist can interpret the result of self-administered tests, such as blood pressure and blood glucose tests, to help you better understand the results.

Perform Comprehensive Medication Reviews 
Your pharmacist is a medication expert. When performing a Comprehensive Medication Review, your pharmacists will help you understand and be comfortable with all the medications you take. Your Pharmacist will counsel you on correct dosage, when and how to take them, any possible side effects or interactions you should be aware of, and how to best handle them.

Prescribe Medications for Self-limiting Conditions* 
Pharmacists who complete additional training and receive authorization from the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba, are able to prescribe medications for minor ailments such as dermatitis. Additionally, your pharmacist can prescribe medications for self-limiting conditions such as smoking cessation. When you are ready to quit, your specially trained pharmacist can show you how.

Prescribe Non-Prescription or Over the Counter Medications and Medical Devices 
With so many options and brands you may not know which non-prescription medication or device will work best for you. Your pharmacist can consult with you to find the medication best suited for you

Your Pharmacist - Working Collaboratively for Your Health

Adapt a Prescription
Working with you and your prescriber, your pharmacist can adapt a prescription by altering the dose, formulation or regimen of the drug prescribed to more closely meet your individual needs. Your medication needs to be right for you.

Issue a continued care prescription 
If your usual prescriber is unavailable and you are in need of a medication that you take on a regular basis to treat a chronic illness, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, your pharmacist may issue a continued care prescription. Working collaboratively with your prescriber, your pharmacist can provide the needed medication to keep you healthy and feeling well. (Continued care prescription cannot be issued for narcotics and other controlled drugs)

Extended Practice Pharmacists* 
Pharmacists who have advanced training and work in a collaborative practice with other health care providers, such as physicians and nurse practitioners, are able to prescribe and manage your medication therapy within the scope of their practice. For example, a pharmacist with specialized training in diabetes management working in a diabetic clinic with a nurse practitioner may be able to prescribe and monitor the medications you receive to manage your diabetes.

* Denotes pharmacy services that require advanced/specialized training and authorization from the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba *